App Development - Project 1

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Project 1 - GitHub Stats GUI

This guide is a straightforward introduction to creating a GitHub Stats GUI for those new to the concept.

Although could be argued we are not technically creating/coding an application from scratch, we are technically still creating and deploying an application!

From creating our personal key to access API to then deploying our product on our Github, there's no shortage of development, and we will indeed be left with a final ReadME statistics application which will constantly run and display our GitHub Stats!

This section focuses on how to use GitHub's APIs to fetch and display your coding activity statistics dynamically on your GitHub profile.

It will guide you through setting up a visualization of your GitHub statistics, enhancing the visual appeal of your GitHub profile.

In simple terms, we need a setup to visually represent our GitHub activity, showcasing various statistics such as commits, pull requests, and most used languages. By the end of this introduction, you will have a dynamic GitHub Stats GUI displayed on your profile.

Software Setup

In this section, we'll outline all the software components required for the project. This includes:

Knowledge Prerequisites

To successfully complete this project, it's recommended to have a basic understanding of the following:

Difficulty Rating

Very Easy Difficulty

Project Time!!!


Congratulations you now have a pretty visual representation of your Github stats and are ready to really show the world your skills as a coder!

Additional Resources